Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes Return to Sunset on Seneca Campsites Homepage
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
For Reservations
(607) 582-6030

Mon-Fri 8:00am-9:00pm
Sat-Sun 7:00am-6:00pm

Campsite Located in Lodi, NY
On The New York Finger Lakes
Camping in the New York Finger Lakes
Our Events Calendar
May - 2025
5/1/2025 - Opening Day of Camp
Finger Lakes Campground
Opening day of camp. Gates open at 9am.

5/24/2025 - Music at the Pavilion
Finger Lakes Campground
Clark Jackson will be playing at 7pm-10pm

June - 2025
6/7/2025 - Best Dish Contest
Finger Lakes Campground
Best Dish contest at the pavilion. 6pm Bring your favorite and best dish you cook and enter to win prizes.
Dish cannot be a dessert to be entered into contest. (you can bring anything you'd like even if it is not entered in the contest)

August - 2025
8/30/2025 - Party at the Lodi State Park
Finger Lakes Campground
Bring your boat to the beach and line up. We are having a party! We plan to make a day of it. Feel free to bring food to share. We will be making hamburgers and hot dogs. Boats start lining up at 9am to save spots along the beach. Bring chairs, towels, coolers, and anything else you may need for the day.

September - 2025
9/20/2025 - Chili Cook Off
Finger Lakes Campground
Annual Chili Cook Off at the Pavilion 6pm. Bring your best homemade chili to enter and win prizes.

October - 2025
10/4/2025 - Campground Halloween Party
Finger Lakes Campground
Halloween Party starts at 7pm at the Pavilion - All attendees must dress-up to attend. (Something simple even)

10/15/2025 - Closing Day
Finger Lakes Campground
Camp closes at 5pm. Please make arrangements to have everything you will need for the winter out of your campers and if you are not planning to return to camp 2025 season, please make sure to take your camper this day.

Campsite on Seneca Lake
Campsite on Seneca Lake Campsite on Seneca Lake